0 to 19 Healthy Child Programme
Bedfordshire and Luton Health Visiting and School Nursing Service
This service is for all families with children aged 0 to 19 living in Bedfordshire and Luton. No referral is needed.
Contact us
You can contact our service Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
- Email address - ccs.bedsandlutonchildrenshealthhub@nhs.net
- Telephone number - 0300 555 0606
- Parentline text number (open Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm)
Text 07507 331456 if you live in Bedfordshire
Text 07507 331886 if you live in Luton
- ChatHealth - a text messaging service for young people age 11 to 19 (open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm)
07507 331450 if they live in Bedfordshire
07520 616070 if they live in Luton
Welcome to our service
Our team is made up of a variety of NHS staff with specific training and qualifications to support the health needs of children, young people and families in the community. Together we are able to offer a wide range of help, advice and support for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years old.
More information about our services and offer
Professionals - referral forms and guidance
If you are trying to contact our teams in Bedfordshire and Luton please email: ccs.bedsandlutonchildrenshealthhub@nhs.net
0 to 19 Referral Form
Uploaded 03/06/2024
Have your say
Please tell us about your recent experience with any of our services by answering a few simple questions. We want to hear about what you felt went well and what you think we could do differently.
Your voice makes a difference and helps us improve our services for you and other families.