Bedfordshire and Luton Children's Community Specialist Nursing Service
This specialist service is for children and young people living in Bedfordshire and Luton. A referral is needed.
Contact us
In Bedfordshire and Luton you can contact our service Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except on bank holidays) and speak to our administrators.
On Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays between 9am and 5pm, please contact the same number but leave a voicemail and a member of our team will get back to you.
Please do not call the team between the hours of 5pm and 9am if you are worried about your child's condition. Instead, please call NHS 111 or if you need emergency assistance, please call 999.
In Bedfordshire you can contact:
- Children’s Community Nursing telephone number: 0300 790 6893
- Special Needs School Nursing telephone number: 01234 846155
- Children’s Continuing Health Care telephone number: 0300 790 6893
- Specialist Nursing Team (continence) telephone number: 0300 555 0606
- Professionals - referral forms and guidance
In Luton you can contact:
- Children’s Community and Specialist Nursing telephone number: 0333 405 0079
- Special Needs School Nursing telephone number: 0333 405 0079
- Children’s Continuing Health Care telephone number: 0333 405 0079
- Children's Rapid Response Team telephone number: 0333 405 0079
- Specialist Nursing Team (continence) telephone number: 0300 555 0606
- Professionals - referral forms and guidance
Welcome to our service
More information about our services and offer
Professionals - referral forms, guidance and training
To make a referral please complete the referral form in SystmOne or ICE.
Training is also available in our online learning and training section.
Have your say
Please tell us about your recent experience with any of our services by answering a few simple questions. We want to hear about what you felt went well and what you think we could do differently.
Your voice makes a difference and helps us improve our services for you and other families.