Individual Health Care Plans
- 5-11 Years
- 11-19 Years

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Understanding an Individual Health Care Plan
Understanding an Individual Health Care Plan
An Individual Health Care Plan is a written document. It details what sort of help the school can provide for your child. It is developed between the school, parents, pupils and the relevant healthcare professional who can advise on a child's case.
Children and young people who have a long term health condition, needing support in school, will have an Individual Health Care Plan. This includes those who need support in an emergency situation.
The purpose of an Individual Health Care Plan is to:
- ensure that schools know how to support your child
- help provide clarity about what needs to be done
- explain when things need to be done and who will do them
For example, it may explain what medicines can be administered, and what to do in a medical emergency.
Writing an Individual Health Care Plan
The school nursing team can support the school and family with writing a health care plan. They provide schools with support and training for the management of medical conditions.
Health care plans for complex medical conditions should be written by the specialist team who oversee your child's care. The school nurse can act as a point of contact and support the co-ordination of this.
Reviewing an Individual Health Care Plan
It is best practice for schools to review all health care plans for students yearly. This helps to ensure:
- students are kept safe
- information is up to date
- that there is a health care plan for everybody that needs one
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2024