School health screening

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School health screening offer
Children in reception and year 6 are offered screening assessments. The type of screening offered depends on your child's age.
Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire
When your child is in reception or year 6, you will be invited to complete a Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire online. This is an opportunity to have your child’s health and development reviewed.
What you will need to do
- You will be sent a link to login to the parent portal. If you have not used the parent portal before, use the link to register for an account. You will receive an email to confirm your account and set a password.
- Once you have logged in, please complete the questionnaire about your child’s health. Completing the questionnaire will help the school nurses to understand if your child needs any support with their health and development. They may contact you for further information, or to offer advice and support
When the Health Needs Assessment Questionnaire is open it will be made available for you to complete.
Growth measurement
All children in reception and year 6 will have their height and weight measured as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). This is delivered by the school nursing team. It is important to understand how children are growing, so that advice and support can be provided for them and their families.
You will receive a letter when your child is in reception and year 6. The letter will explain what to do if you are happy for your child to be weighed and measured. It will also explain how to opt out if you do not want your child to take part.
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2024