Communication champion course
- Professionals and Clinicians
- Training and workshops
- Speech, language and communication
This course is for professionals only

Primary school teaching staff and assistants working with children and young people in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire can become a communication champion. These champions will be the link practitioner for speech, language and communication needs.
This workshop is fully booked.
Aim of this course
- Become a communication champion!
- Identify children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
- Learn strategies and develop activities to help children and young people's speech language and communication in your place of work.
- Be able to recognise when further support is required
- Act as a point of contact for your colleagues, for Speech and Language Therapists, and parents, by championing Speech, Language and Communication for all children and young people
About this course
Communication Champion Training is a comprehensive evidence-based course, written for staff supporting children and young people with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in mainstream schools (up to key stage 2). It equips you with innovative tools and methods to enhance children and young people’s (CYP) learning in the classroom and promotes quality first teaching. The training uses relevant teaching methods including practical activities, videos and group discussion to engage learners. It is co-delivered by Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapists and SEND Advisory Teachers.
Schools are encouraged to create a Communication Champion team (of up to 3 staff) and the SENCo (or member of senior leadership) must compete the course. Staff who have already completed Elklan 5-11s will not be eligible for a space on this course.
This course has been running successfully for the last 4 years in Bedford Borough, where >90% of primary schools have accessed the training.
Entry criteria
This course is for teaching staff and teaching assistants who:
- have an interest in children's speech, language and communication needs
- work in a primary school - reception to key stage 2 (KS2)
- work in Bedford Borough or Central Bedfordshire
Booking information
Communication champion training contacts are split into locality and setting. Email your local contact for more information about developing a communication champion in your team and dates for upcoming training sessions.
Please note, if you do not attend the course, you may be charged a penalty fee.
This workshop is fully booked.
More information about future courses will be available by the end of spring term.
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2024