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Self-weigh for babies (6 weeks to 2 years old)

  • 0-1 Years
  • 1-5 Years
Naked new-born baby being laid on scales by an adult.

Self weigh clinics are for babies from 6 weeks old to 2 years old. Clinic locations are spread across Bedfordshire and Luton.

Clinics run at a variety of times and days of the week. Please use the map or clinic location list on this page to find your closest clinic and details on how to book an appointment.

Weighing your baby

The Health Visiting team will contact you to review your child's development at:

  • 6 to 8 weeks
  • 9 to 12 months
  • 2.5 years

These checks include weighing your child. If you would like to use a self weigh clinic it will not replace any of these reviews.

If you have concerns about your baby's length, you can contact us for advice. Do not try to measure the length of your baby at home. 

Self-weigh baby clinics

Hello, my name is Lata. I'm a Health Visitor and today I will be talking to you about how you can self-weigh your baby.

There are various self-weighing stations where you can weigh your baby.

When you arrive at the self-weigh station make sure you have your red book to hand. Place a sheet of paper towel on the baby mat and the scales.

Undress your baby on the mat and remember to take off their nappy. Switch on the scales and wait for all the zeros to appear on the screen.

Lay the baby on the scales or if the baby can sit unaided then you can sit the baby on the scales. Make sure the baby's not holding or touching anything around it, as this will affect their weight.

Make a note of the weight and take the baby off the scales and dress the baby.

Once the baby is fully dressed, record the date and the baby's weight in the red book.

Please clean the mat and the scales using the wipes provided and put the rubbish in the bin.

If you'd like to keep up with the latest news and information, don't forget to follow us on social  media.

Using a self-weigh station

Last reviewed: 1 November, 2024

Self-weigh locations

Cauldwell Children's Centre - Cherry Tree Nursery

Cherry Trees Nursery School, Hawkins Road, Bedford, MK42 9LS

No appointment needed. You can call 0300 323 0245 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Wednesdays from 1:30pm to 3pm. There will be no clinic on 25th December 2024 and 1st January 2025. The clinic will restart on 8th January 2025.

Contact the Children's Centre

Daisy Hill Children's Centre

Hillgrounds Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8QH

No appointment needed. You can call 0300 323 0245 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Mondays from 9:30am to 11am. There will be no clinic on 30th December 2024. The clinic will restart on 6th January 2025.

Contact the Children's Centre

Dunstable Children's Centre

Dunstable South, Downside Neighbourhood Centre, Oakwood Avenue, Dunstable, LU5 4AS

Self weigh appointment in Central Bedfordshire are held at Children's Centres. For information about the days and times of the self weigh clinics at Dunstable Children's Centre, visit their website. Or you can call 0300 300 8106.

Visit Dunstable Children's Centre website

Eastcotts Children's Centre

65 Beauvais Square, Shortstown, Bedford, MK42 0GG

No appointment needed. You can call 0300 323 0245 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Tuesdays from 1:30pm to 3pm.

Contact the Children's Centre

Farley Hill Community Centre

Farley Hill Community Centre, Delphine Close, Luton, LU1 5RE

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 736812 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Tuesdays from 9:15am to 10:45am. Supported by Flying Start staff. Scales available for older children. There will be no clinic on 24th and 31st December 2024 and 7th January 2025. The clinic will restart on 14th January 2025 from 9:30am to 11:30am.

Contact the Community Centre

Flitwick Children's Centre

Flitwick Children's Centre, Malham Close, Flitwick, MK45 1PU

Self weigh appointment in Central Bedfordshire are held at Children's Centres. For information about the days and times of the self weigh clinics at Flitwick Children's Centre visit their website. Or you can call 0300 300 8111.

Visit Flitwick Children's Centre website

Goldington Children's Centre

Families First Bedfordshire, 28-30 Meadway, Bedford, MK41 9HU

No appointment needed. You can call 0300 323 0245 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Thursdays from 9:30am to 11am. There will be no clinic on 26th December 2024. The group will restart on 2nd January 2025.

Contact the Children's Centre

High Town Community Centre

High Town Community Centre, Concorde Street, Luton, LU2 0JD

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 600691 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Fridays from 10am to 1pm.

Contact the Community Centre

Hockwell Ring Community Centre and Family Hub

Hockwell Ring Community Centre, Mayne Avenue, Leagrave, Luton, LU4 9LB

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 548392 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Tuesdays from 1pm to 3pm. There will be no clinic on 24th December 2024 and 7th January 2025. The clinic will restart on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

Contact the Community Centre

Houghton Regis Children's Centre

Houghton Regis Children's Centre, Hawthorn Park Lower School, Parkside Drive, Houghton Regis, LU5 5QN

Self weigh appointment in Central Bedfordshire are held at Children's Centres. For information about the days and times of the self weigh clinics at Houghton Regis Children's Centre, visit their website. Or you can call 0300 300 8129.

Visit Houghton Regis Children's Centre website

Lea Manor Recreation Centre

Lea Manor Recreation Centre, Northwell Drive, Luton, LU3 3TL

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 599888 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Wednesdays from 10am to 1pm.

Contact the Recreation Centre

Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre

Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre, East Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1EW

Self weigh appointment in Central Bedfordshire are held at Children's Centres. For information about the days and times of the self weigh clinics at Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre visit their website. Or you can call 0300 300 8880.

Visit the Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre website

Luton Central Library

Luton Central Library, St George's Square, Luton, LU1 2NG

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 547418 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Wednesdays from 9:45am to 11am and on Thursdays from 9:30am to 12:20pm.

Contact the library

Marsh Farm Library

Marsh Farm Library, Lea Manor School, Northwell Drive, Luton, LU3 3TL

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 574803 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Wednesdays from 1:30pm to 3pm and on Thursdays from 10am to 10:30am.

Contact the library

Pastures Way Nursery

Pastures Way Nursery, Pastures Way, Luton, LU4 0PE

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 600691 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Fridays from 9:30am to 11:30am. Supported by Flying Start staff. Scales available for older children. There will be no clinic on 27th December 2024. The clinic will restart on Friday 3rd January 2025.

Contact the nursery

Pinecones Family Hub

Pinecones Family Hub, Slade Walk, Bedford, MK41 7SA

No appointment needed. You can call 0300 323 0245 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Mondays from 1:30pm to 3pm and on Fridays from 9:30am to 11am.

Contact the Family Hub

Queen's Park Family Hub

Queens Park Family Hub, Marlborough Road, Bedford, MK40 4LE

No appointment needed. You can call 0300 323 0245 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Tuesdays from 9:30am to 11am and on Fridays from 1:30pm to 3pm. There will be no clinic on 31st December 2024. The clinic will restart on 7th January 2025.

Contact the Family Hub

St Francis' Church

St Francis Church, Carteret Road, Luton, LU2 9JZ

No appointment needed. You can call 01582 451132 if you need to contact the centre. Clinics run on Thursdays from 9:30am to 11:30am. There will be no clinic on 26th December 2024. The clinic will restart on Thursday 2nd January 2025.

Contact the Church

Who can help

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s weight or self weigh clinics, a health professional in our team will be able to offer advice and support.

You can email

You can call 0300 555 0606

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

 Or you can text:

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm (excluding bank holidays).

Have your say

Please tell us about your recent experience with any of our services by answering a few simple questions. We want to hear about what you felt went well and what you think we could do differently. 

Your voice makes a difference and helps us improve our services for you and other families.

Newborn Baby

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