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On Thursday, 13 March our Health Hub will not be able to accept calls regarding the 0 to 19 service for 24 hours. This is due to essential maintenance of our health record system.

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Bump, Birth and Baby Stuff Antenatal Classes

  • Parents and Carers
  • Training and workshops
Pregnant woman lying on bed holding her stomach

Our Bump, Birth and Baby Stuff antenatal classes will help you prepare for your new baby. These classes are designed to be a refresher course as well as for first time parents. They will help you to find out more about birth, caring for you and your baby and feeding your baby.

You can book onto a face to face or virtual class, or watch self-led videos.

Face to face and virtual antenatal classes

All face to face and virtual classes are free and you should begin the course after you reach 32 weeks pregnant. Various dates are offered throughout the year. You can book onto a course below.

Book a class in North Bedfordshire

Includes Bedford Borough.

Hands In Heart

Book a class in Central Bedfordshire

Includes Sandy, Biggleswade, Flitwick, Stotfold and Shefford.

Hand holding heart on green background

Book a class in South Bedfordshire

Includes Leighton Buzzard, Dunstable and Houghton Regis.

Self-led antenatal classes

You can access the classes by watching the videos below. 

Last reviewed: 27 November, 2024


Who can help

If you have any questions or concerns about these antenatal classes, a health professional in our team will be able to offer advice and support.

You can email

You can call 0300 555 0606

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

 Or you can text:

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm (excluding bank holidays).

Have your say

Please tell us about your recent experience with any of our services by answering a few simple questions. We want to hear about what you felt went well and what you think we could do differently. 

Your voice makes a difference and helps us improve our services for you and other families.

Woman breastfeeding their baby whilst sat in a chair.

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