Health checklist before starting school

Starting school can be both exciting and nerve wracking for both kids and parents! We understand that trying to make sure your little one is ready for school can be incredibly stressful.
Things to check
Make sure your child is registered with a GP. Read more about how to register with a GP surgery
Make sure your child is registered with a dentist for regular dental checks. If your child's dental health is good they should get getting a check-up every 1 to 2 years. Read more about dentists.
Check if your child is up to date with their vaccinations. Read more about vaccinations.
Eye tests
Make sure your child is having regular eye tests. These eye tests will be free up until your child is 18 years old and in full-time education. They will also receive a voucher towards the cost of glasses. It is recommended children should get an eye-test once a year. Read more about eye tests.