National supply shortage of ADHD medication
- Neurodiversity

Picture of methylphenidate
The government has reported that there are national supply issues affecting ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) medications. This shortage affects the whole country.
There are several reasons for this:
- increase in demand
- manufacturing issues
- manufacturers changing what medications they make
- change in suppliers
It is unclear when these supply issues will be resolved.
We understand that this time may be stressful for parents & carers. We recommend you continue with the medication you or your child have been prescribed. Try to order repeat medication a few weeks before the current prescription ends.
Medications affected:
Xaggitin XL 18mg and 36mg tablets
Xenidate XL 18mg and 27mg tablets
Equasym XL 10mg capsules
Elvanse 20mg and 30mg capsules
Please be advised that pharmacies may have a limited amount of daily or monthly stock allocation they can order. You may need to try several pharmacies to find stock.
Read the latest information about the national ADHD supply situation.
Delays for children and young people due to start on ADHD medication
Due the national shortages of ADHD medication, we have had to delay all new appointments for children and young people due to start ADHD medication. This delay will be until the medication becomes available.
We apologise for any disappointment these cancellations cause. We will contact you in a letter when we are able to offer a new appointment date.
Children and young people on ADHD medication
As the national supply of ADHD medication is running low, more shortages may happen. It's possible that when medications come back, they may run out again.
Speak to a healthcare professional before making any changes to your or your child's ADHD medication. This includes reducing, rationing or stopping the ADHD medication. It is important to speak to a healthcare professional. They may suggest different strengths or treatments but alternative medicines isn't a reliable option.
If you or your child is taking guanfacine, contact your specialist team or prescriber before you run out of medication. Guanfacine requires specialist advice to slowly stop you or your child's medication.
If you or your child is taking methylphenidate, lisdexamfetamine, and atomoxetine, contact a healthcare professional before reducing or stopping your medication. It is safe to stop taking the medication without gradually reducing the dose, but we strongly recommend speaking to a healthcare professional.
If you or your child cannot access your medication, there are coping strategies to help manage ADHD:
- Effective communication
- Exercise and physical activity
- Good sleep routine
- Healthy balanced diet
- Organised daily routine
- Psychoeducation
Schools and educational settings
If your child receives ADHD medication at school, it's important to inform the school's Special Educational Needs (SEN) team about shortages. This will help support your child's wellbeing and continuity of care, despite the ADHD medication shortages.
- Make a plan with your child's teacher and the school's SEN team. Talk about whether your child can attend school without taking their ADHD medication.
- Consider sharing medication between home and school. Due to the shortages it may not be possible to have seperate supplies for home and school.
- Agree with the school who should receive the medication at the start of the school day and who should return it to the parent at the end of the school day.
- Request the next ADHD medication prescription when there is 14 days left. This allows time for the prescription to be processed by the GP or specialist team. It also allows time for the pharmacy to source the medication.
- If you or the SEN team need advice or help, don't hesitate to contact the specialist team or prescribing team.
- If you are involved with social care, inform your social worker or family support worker about the ADHD medication shortages.