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Medication for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

  • SEND
  • Behaviour, emotions and mental health
  • Child development and growing up
  • Neurodiversity
4 colourful pills with the letters A, D, H and D printed on each of them.

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can be helped using medication. Medication is not the first option when helping children and young people with their ADHD. ADHD medication is recommended for children and young people who have tried other strategies like extra support in school, changes to the classroom and behavioural strategies. 

It's important to discuss ADHD with your child or young person and their teachers. This will help you to teach them about ADHD and understand their views and opinions on it. Medication is just one part of the whole treatment plan. It needs to work alongside other behavioural strategies and treatments. 

Benefits of ADHD medication

ADHD medications are not a 'cure' for traits of ADHD. They will not change your child or young person's personality. To get the best outcome for your child or young person, ADHD medication should be used alongside strategies and techniques.

There have been various studies that show ADHD medications are not addictive for people with ADHD. They will not cause your child to abuse substances when they grow older. 

It will be helpful for you and your child or young person to manage your expectations of what ADHD medications will do for them. 

ADHD medication can help your child or young person:

  • start and finish tasks
  • focus on tasks
  • be more aware of their surroundings
  • listen better
  • reduce fidgeting
  • be more organised
  • feel calmer

How ADHD medications work

A video explaining how ADHD brains work and ADHD medications work.

Types of ADHD medication

There are two types of ADHD medication. Both types of medication will reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity. They will also help your child to concentrate. 

Stimulants - These are fast-acting medications which increase dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. They are fast acting and the effects can be felt within an hour after taking them. Stimulants are a controlled substance.

Non-stimulants - These take longer to start working, your child may need to take them for longer to feel the effects. They must be taken every day. 

Each person's body is different. This means that some medications will be better for your child than others. It's very common to try different medications at different doses to find which one is best for your child.

Stimulants are generally recommended as the first choice for children and young people with ADHD. Non-stimulant medication is recommended if the stimulants do not work, cause significant side effects or are not suitable for your child or young person.

The medication can be taken as an immediate-release tablet (small doses with shorter hours that it affects the body) or as a modified release tablet (larger dose which releases throughout the day).

A parent's guide to first line treatment - ADHD medication

Taking ADHD medication

For ADHD medication to work effectively, your child will need to take the medication daily. Encourage your child to take their medication as part of their daily routine like after eating breakfast or after brushing their teeth. 

Make sure you read the manufacturer's information leaflet. This will come in the same box as the medication. The leaflet will include a full list of side effects. It will also tell you whether your child should take the medication before or after breakfast.

You can use visual reminders to help them take their medication. This could be:

  • a checklist
  • apps
  • alarms
  • pill dispensers
  • notes on calendars
  • notes on the fridge
ADHD medication (Concerta) boxes and pill containers.

Side effects

All types of ADHD medications have possible side effects. The side effects are usually temporary. Often they can be helped by reducing the dosage, changing the time your child or young person takes the medication or changing the type of medication.

Children and young people can experience side effects ranging from mild to significant. This can happen when the medication is working or after it's worn off. 

Side effects like stomach pain or headaches will stop after your child's body has got used to the medication. There are some side effects that may not go away, but you can use strategies to around them.

Your child or young person will need to have their growth and blood pressure monitored regularly. Some medications can affect blood pressure and heart rates.


Side effects that need immediate action

There are some side effects that need immediate attention from a doctor.

If your child and young person can feel their heart beating faster than normal or says it is racing, take your child to a doctor immediately. 

If your child or young person is sick every few hours or has stomach pains, take them to your doctor or hospital immediately.

Prescription process

There will be a period of trial-and-error to find the best medication and dosage for your child. We want to make sure that the medication for your child works well for them with minimal side effects. 

An electronic prescription from your child's paediatrician, clinical nurse specialist or GP will be sent to your local pharmacy. They will ask you which pharmacy is the best for you. To receive your child's medication, go to your local pharmacy to collect. ADHD medication is a repeat prescription. This means you will need to reorder the prescription every month. 

Most ADHD medications are 'controlled medications' or 'controlled substances'. This means that the pharmacy will only give a prescription for up to one month of ADHD medication supply at a time.

We recommend ordering the prescription 10 days before your current supply runs out. This allows time for the pharmacy to order your child's medication. Pharmacies may not stock the medication prescribed to your child on site and will need to order it in for them. 

Starting medication

When your child is first prescribed ADHD medication, they will be given a low dosage. If the medication is not working we will increase the dosage or change the medication. 

It can take some time to find the medication that works well for your child. While we are finding the right medication for your child,  ADHD medication will be prescribed from:

It might be helpful to track the effectiveness of the medication using treatment response form. You can also ask your child's teacher to complete the treatment response form. This can help the clinical prescriber understand if any changes to dosage or medications need to be made.

When medication has been agreed

Once your child has the right medication, your GP will take over prescribing your child their medication. We have a shared care agreement with GPs.

The prescription handover process is different for the Child Development Centre and Edwin Lobo Centre.


National ADHD medication supply shortage

There are national supply issues affecting medications for treating ADHD. It is unclear when these issues will be resolved.

Affected medications:


  • Affenid XL 18mg, 27mg and 36mg prolonged release tablets
  • Concerta XL 27mg, 36mg and 54mg prolonged-release tablets
  • Delmosart 18mg and 27mg prolonged-release tablets
  • Matoride XL 18mg, 36mg and 54mg Prolonged-release Tablets
  • Xaggitin XL 36mg prolonged-release tablets
  • Xenidate XL 18mg, 27mg, 36mg and 54mg prolonged-release tablets

Pharmacies may have a limited number of daily or monthly stock allocation they can order. You may need to try several pharmacies to locate stock.

Read more about the ADHD medication shortage.

Medication monitoring appointments

While your child is taking medication, their growth and blood pressure will need to be monitored regularly. This is because ADHD medication can affect weight and blood pressure. 

The clinician at the Child Development Centre or Edwin Lobo Centre will arrange a timetable for monitoring appointments. It's important your child attends these appointments.

There will not always be reminders for these appointments. Please make sure that you set your own reminders. This can be in your phone, or in a calendar. 

Medication breaks

Medication breaks are short periods of time when someone with ADHD is not taking their medication. Medication breaks are not appropriate for everyone. It will depend on each child and the type of medication they take. There are many reasons why a medication break can be helpful for your child.

Medication breaks are only used for stimulant medications like methylphenidate or amphetamines. If your child is taking a non-stimulant medication like atomoxetine or guanfacine they cannot take a medication break. Non-stimulant medication must be taken daily. 

If you are considering a medication break for your child, speak to their prescriber before stopping the medication. If your child takes a long medication break, you will need to discuss restarting medication at a lower dose. 

If your child takes a medication break, make sure to tell their school or educational setting. This makes them aware of the situation and helps them to support you and your child properly. 

Last reviewed: 27 November, 2024

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This information has been co-produced with parents, young people, local parent forums, CAMHS, education psychology and other key partners. It was also created with a neurodiverse team. 

The language around neurodiversity is changing and evolving. We want to ensure our information is inclusive and sensitive. The terms used in this pack are the most up to date when the information was created. If there are any outdated words or terminology, no offense is intended and we will work hard to update these. We are grateful for your support and feedback.

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